

i am lucky to be surrounded by kids
they know how to get down with the get down

they are creative and silly by nature
its is delicious


take about 15-20 minutes .. using intuition more than thought tear out pictures that illustrate, symbolize or for no explaination you can figure out represent your shadow side. Tear out pictures .. make it a dynamic process

take notes - if you like - about what you are thinking or the process for you . Glue after about 10 minutes. When you are finished takea obut 5 minutes to write a caption or write what the collage is telling you , write about it, write poetry, prose or nonsense. share it with the group if you would like

set an intention for the week . be gentle with yourself . or stay with an old one
repeating intentions tends to make them sticky

relax your stressful spots this week
read the chapter HIGHLIGHT STUFF
do an excersize and share your results

paul simon once said
"my words trickle down from a wound i don't intend on healing."

my shadow in my art has produced some damn great work
my joy does as well

when you recognize shadowart. you stop usually . and listen
its so full of truth


jack johnson

jack johnson
makes my ass move
and my smile BRIGHT
all teeth SHOWING

i always thot his stuff spoke to me

he's walked with me the last 2 years

i heard an interview
where he says most of his lyrics
are non-sense . mostly goofy utterances

lol . sounds like a stoner creative genius
i generally like them :)

and i thot

HA HA ...good lesson:

art that moves you . speaks TO YOU
it is not of the artist . it is of YOU
your movement

i love being reminded of that

wrote this a long time ago:
we pause, we look, we listen, we understand

we react personally
to someone else's wanderings

they are someone else's
and yet, when we can stop long enough
to hear a message
that message belongs only to us
our voice speaks the dreams of another
and we absorb their dream as our own

knowing that
is a powerful thing

reminds... just do what you do
regardless . someone's dreams will find yours
and they'll

shake their asses
to jack johnson



quote by larry and marge belliston

"one reason albert was able to develop the theory of relativity was thtat he worked on visualizing it. he recoginzed that the ability to picture things in the mind is vitally important to the creative process"

sometimes i think its possible to paint the future
i love when that happens

if you had to pick a color for your dream

what would it be
mine would be crystal pink
with tides the color of my eyes

what colors would your dream be?

listen for musing

my kids muse me silly
i photograph them all the time
they take photographs with my cam
my friends inpsire me to take photos
my friends take AMAZING FOTOS

children cause you to remember
that its okay to play and make mistakes
and at the end of the day to sing a song
to fall asleep

i sing 'time after time' with gehrig
we sing the tuck and patti version
and he does this last part
'i'll be lovin you always'
and it melts you silly
wicked silly


what color is fear

for me
release comes in creation
i often say
'i painted my way out'
i think often i still do


im a puzzle

i like to think that things come together
like a puzzle . there are pieces that fit
and people that fit and things that fit
and some that dont

and no matter
they just dont

i think its best to stick with the CLICK



like a see saw balanced

spring and summer
somewhere in between
the space is soft


ants . a sure sign of spring


'serious people have few ideas . people with ideas are never serious'
paul valery, french poet, essayist

poster child

well . if that aint the poster child
i don't know who is

bea . silly

is the way i'm feelin today

creative . childlike and silly
perhaps its the air

or the fact that i registered
my son for kindergarten

i remember kindergarten
like it was yesterday

thank you MUSE MRS. SABIO

lucky mail

i received 2 pieces of mail today
that made me smile HUGE

one a pair of earrings
entitled "bubble love earrings"
pink bubby earrings

and a beautiful piece of art
that says THRIVE

now i'd call that a lucky mail day

a book and a class

The book the 'The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) 10 Guides to Creative Inspiration for Artist, Poets, Lovers, and Other Mortals Wanting to Live a Dazzling Existence' is life changing

i don't say that about much
it's written by jill badonsky
who i've mentioned here before

she's a muse
she's a friend
she's a genius

and i want people to buy her book
cause i really beleive in its power
to unlock so much creative in people

i know she has in me

i just wanted to post links to her book here
cause if you wanna make more of your creative
or discover something new about yourself
here's a pretty fun place to start

Barnes & Noble

i've been lucky enuf to become
a muse workshop leader
hold workshops for creative people
have muse clubs


i'm holding a 10 week MUSE GROUP online course
that begins may 1st
its gonna be tons of fun

if you'd like to join me
for lots of fun
and a new set of life long creativity tools

or know of anybody who needs a bit of musin
come along for the ride

join me