

i am lucky to be surrounded by kids
they know how to get down with the get down

they are creative and silly by nature
its is delicious


take about 15-20 minutes .. using intuition more than thought tear out pictures that illustrate, symbolize or for no explaination you can figure out represent your shadow side. Tear out pictures .. make it a dynamic process

take notes - if you like - about what you are thinking or the process for you . Glue after about 10 minutes. When you are finished takea obut 5 minutes to write a caption or write what the collage is telling you , write about it, write poetry, prose or nonsense. share it with the group if you would like

set an intention for the week . be gentle with yourself . or stay with an old one
repeating intentions tends to make them sticky

relax your stressful spots this week
read the chapter HIGHLIGHT STUFF
do an excersize and share your results

paul simon once said
"my words trickle down from a wound i don't intend on healing."

my shadow in my art has produced some damn great work
my joy does as well

when you recognize shadowart. you stop usually . and listen
its so full of truth